C# — Yield

Yield is present in C# since 2.0, using a yield return construct similar to yield in Python.

Leon Maia ⌘
The Journal by Leon Maia


public object Solve()
return Fibonnaci().Where(i => i % 2 == 0).Sum();
private static IEnumerable<int> Fibonnaci()
int t1 = 1,
t2 = 2;
yield return t1;
yield return t2;

while (t2 < 4000000)
var aux = t2;
t2 += t1;
t1 = aux;
yield return t2;

With a yield return, the function automatically keeps its state during the iteration.



Software Engineer at Zendesk. In the past worked helping to build the architecture of Globo’s video streaming platform. Visit my blog: https://leonmaia.me